Salut ^.^
I'm Italian... i doesn't speak french (i study this language but... i forget everything... >.<)
i want only say HELLO to everybody ^.^
good forum
My english is... bad, so dont worry if I don't speak very well ^_^ (and my italian simply not exist ^^)
Thank you for your funny message and... Welcome to Oneira ^_^
And if you love langage, there is also with Oneira's langage (but explain in french ^^)
Good bye ;-)
Onirian, My taylor is rich but my english is poor.
(Now we can say the world of Oneira is international ;-pp)
Dommage que je ne l'ai pas vu avant, moi l'italien je le parle pas très bien, mais je le comprend plutot pas mal.. M'enfin il est pas revenu apparament alors tant pis.